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10 Scientific Reasonings to Ancient Indian Customs & Traditions

India has a very long history dating back to thousands of years. Indian traditions and culture are something which has now become renowned all across the world.   Most of the Indian customs and traditions like Namaste, piercing ears, married women applying henna/mehendi or Sindoor /vermillon, and many more, are derived from our ancestors. Traditions in Hinduism were considered mainly as superstitions, but with the advent of science it is becoming evident that these traditions are based on some scientific knowledge. Though the common people did not know the science in it, they were following these customs very faithfully over generations. This interaction with you is an attempt to bring forward the scientific reasoning behind these traditions and rituals... 1.   Joining Both Palms Together To Greet    World adopts 'Namaste' as a way of Greetings due to Corona to avoid physical contact  In Hindu culture, people greet each other by joining their palms–termed as “Namaste” or

10 Unique & Interesting Temples to Visit In India

    India may be a strange and mysterious country to outsiders, but it is by and large a God-fearing country. Extremely rich and diverse in culture, history, and traditions; India is dotted with beautifu l , rich , large , and even weird and unusual temples. Some of these temples also happen to be major tourist attractions for their unique architecture, weirdness, and the legends associated with them. We Indians dedicate temples to cows, snakes, rats, etc.  India is a country where we can find many mysterious places.  Here is a list of unique temples in India with super interesting back-stories: 1.    Stambheshwar Mahadev, Gujarat Located in the town of Kavi Kambol in the state of Gujarat, this 150 years old temple lies on the betwixt of the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Cambay. This is a temple where Lord Shiva plays hide and seeks with you. What is unique about this temple is that the temple gets submerged into the sea during high tide hours and as the tide starts to get low,

9 Health Benefits Of Chanting 'OM'

                                                                                                   ओमित्येकाक्षरं ब्रह्म व्याहरन्मामनुस्मरन् |                                                   य: प्रयाति त्यजन्देहं स याति परमां गतिम् || 8.13||                                        oṁ ityekākṣharaṁ brahma vyāharan mām anusmara                                        yaḥ prayāti tyajan dehaṁ sa yāti paramāṁ gatim om-sacred syllable representing the formless aspect of God; iti-thus; eka-aksharam- one syllable; brahma-the Absolute Truth; vyaaharan- chanting; maam- Me ( Shree Krishna); anusamaran- remembering; yah-who; prayaati-departs; tyajan- quitting; deham- the body; sah- he; yaati- attains; paramaam- the supreme; gatim- goal. ‘Om’ is the highest sacred symbol in Hinduism. The word Om is so powerful that this single word can produce powerful and positive vibrations which allow you to feel the entire universe. Om is the mantra that cleanses our Aura and is also related to the ‘third eye

Famous Gurudwaras, Beyond The Known Ones

  India is famous for its large Hindu temples, amazing Jain temples, mosque and grand white Gurdwaras. In this interaction with you, I am going to discuss about Gurdwaras, beyond the known ones . Gurdwara is the place of worship for Sikhs and it literally means ‘door to the Guru’ or ‘the residence of the Guru’.   The unique thing about a Gurdwara is that it is open to people of all faiths and where free food is served to one and all, free of charge, regardless of their religion, caste, gender, economic condition, or ethnicity. A little about the religion: In the 15 th century a religion emerged in India that preached equality, bravery and generosity. The humble saint Guru Nanak founded Sikhism, which proved to be one of the powerful religions in Indian history. Today Sikhism is the fourth largest religion in India. Sikhs are known for their bravery and valor. India is home to probably 95% of the Sikh population who worship in 1000s of Gurdwaras across the nation. Even with thous