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Showing posts with the label #Life

Unleash The joy Of Living

                                  “ Live Life to the Fullest as you get it only once,”–Naresh V “Be Positive and Live Life to the Fullest ,”- Naresh V “Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone’s life. Don’t let the voice of others’ opinions drown your inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition” – Steve Jobs. These are some truths of life as told by the world’s renowned people. It is to encourage, many people who are feeling let down, feel lonely and self-pity and depressed to an extent where life means nothing to them and in the process, they develop suicidal tendencies, and counsel them to live their life to the fullest. How do you feel today? Do you like what you are doing? Are you living your best life? If the answer to the above is a NO, then that means you are not living your life ...