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9 Health Benefits Of Chanting 'OM'


                                             ओमित्येकाक्षरं ब्रह्म व्याहरन्मामनुस्मरन् |

                                        य: प्रयाति त्यजन्देहं स याति परमां गतिम् || 8.13||

                                oṁ ityekākṣharaṁ brahma vyāharan mām anusmara
                                    yaḥ prayāti tyajan dehaṁ sa yāti paramāṁ gatim

om-sacred syllable representing the formless aspect of God; iti-thus; eka-aksharam- one syllable; brahma-the Absolute Truth; vyaaharan- chanting; maam- Me ( Shree Krishna); anusamaran- remembering; yah-who; prayaati-departs; tyajan- quitting; deham- the body; sah- he; yaati- attains; paramaam- the supreme; gatim- goal.

‘Om’ is the highest sacred symbol in Hinduism. The word Om is so powerful that this single word can produce powerful and positive vibrations which allow you to feel the entire universe. Om is the mantra that cleanses our Aura and is also related to the ‘third eye chakra’ also known as ‘Brow Chakra’ (the center of perception and command. It directs our sight and everyday awareness of the world).

Lord Krishna says “One who departs from the body while remembering Me, the Supreme Personality, and chanting the syllable OM, will attain the supreme goal.”

Origin of sacred ‘Om’

We’ve all heard about this sacred syllable called “Om”, one of the most important spiritual symbols, but do we know how and when this most important word of our lives came from.

Let’s dispel some of the mysteries and misunderstandings about Om / Aum’s definition so we can better understand its meaning:

• Om is an ancient Sanskrit “word” that was first felt by rishis as they meditated. It was more about the essence of Om than the chanting of it. Eventually, as the experience was shared, the word came forth and people started chanting it in order to invite the same experience.

• The syllable Om is first mentioned in the Upnishads, the mystical texts associated with the Vedanta philosophy. It has variously been associated with the concepts of “cosmic sound” or “mystical syllable” or as symbolism for abstract spiritual concepts in the Upnishads
• The Bible says “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”( John 1:1)

• According to Vedic strictures, God first created the sound and then proceeded further in the process of creation. That original word was “Om”.

The Om Symbol and its full meaning

Various shades of meanings are offered to Om, such as it is "the universe beyond the sun", or that which is "mysterious and inexhaustible", or "the infinite language, the infinite knowledge", or "essence of breath, life, everything that exists,", or that "with which one is liberated"

As per meaning: a mantric word thought to be a complete expression of Brahman and interpreted as having three sounds representing Brahma or creation, Vishnu or preservation, and Siva or destruction, or as comprising the same three sounds, representing waking, dreams, and deep sleep, along with the following silence, which is fulfillment.

The word ‘Om’ can be considered to consist of three phonetic components of Oṃ (a u ṃ). The three phonemes correspond to Trimurti- Brahma or creation, Vishnu or preservation, and Siva or destruction, and when it is read or said, it celebrates the creative powers of the universe.

• Can it be translated into English?
Not exactly.

• If you chant it, does it somehow change you or your religion?
Absolutely not.

It is difficult to describe ‘Om’ with words, but Om represents everything. Above all, it is said to be the seed of all of creation; Hence, this seemingly small word contains all the power of the Universe. So it is the beginning, middle, and the end of it all; it is the past, present, and future.

Consequently, chanting ‘Om’ brings the physical reality of this world into your awareness. In your body, you will connect to your emotions and the subtle impressions of your mind. The recitation of this word ‘Om’ helps in the benefit of our body :

1• Thyroid: Recitation of Om shakes our throat and affects the thyroid gland.

2• Anxiety: If you are disturbed and have anxiety, then there is nothing better than Om. It helps in controlling the harmful chemicals/ substances which result in anxiety.

3• Flow of blood: It balances the flow of blood and also your heart.

4• Active: It removes lethargy feelings and makes a person active.

5• Sleep: It helps in insomnia and is a sure treatment for the same. Just recite OM in your mind and then see how soon and well you sleep.

6• Synchronizes our breathing rate: Chanting of Om helps in synchronizing our breathing rate and heart rate.

7• Balances Nervous System: Confirms a well-balanced autonomic nervous system which is a critical requirement for us to be well balanced.

8• Lungs: Combined with some important Yoga asanas it helps in strengthening our lungs.

9• Depression: Your body becomes tension-free when you recite Om.
As a resultof chanting "OM', you become attuned to all the thoughts and beliefs in your life and of the world around you.

How to Chant Om :

The vibrations of ‘Om’ comprises three letters A..U..M...The sound can also be displayed in its more complete form of Aum. When written this way, it appears as if the sound has three parts–

a. The A...
The word begins by making the sound ‘A’ or ‘aahh’ from the belly with an open throat and back of the mouth. So when you chant this sound, notice that it is produced in the throat and back of the mouth where the tongue is rooted and resonates in the lower abdomen.

b. The U...
This is merged into chanting ‘U’ that is created from the middle of the mouth. This sound signifies the maintaining energy of the Universe and the subtle impressions of the mind. ‘Oooh’ lets in lightness, clarity, balance, and goodness. So when you chant this letter, the sound moves forward between the tongue and the palate up to the lips.

c. The M (mmmm)
This sound characterizes the transformative energy of the Universe and the thoughts and beliefs of your being. The ‘mmmm’ sound is produced by closing the lips, and it vibrates the crown chakra of the head.
When chanting OM aloud, the sound will naturally evolve through the three phases corresponding to the three letters, A-U-M. Just like the experience of OM as a sense of completeness and pure consciousness, the three syllables are not distinct or separate phases, but a continuous motion of the body, breath, and awareness.


'Om' is an amazing tool that all people of all faiths can utilize to bring focus and awareness to the greater meaning of life

“Above all, and regardless of religion, it reminds us of the importance of sound healing and how words can be sacred and divine. In the end, the words we use either out loud or in our thoughts have the power to create and influence the reality around us. Ancient teachings along with modern science confirm that all living things are made up of their most essential level of vibrating, pulsing energy.”

This is why OM is said to represent God, Brahman, Source, Universal Consciousness. Ultimately, the meaning of Om/Aum is the power to create everything.

Always remember: words have power. So may we use them wisely to raise our vibration and that of the ones around us. Namaste.

Inputs & Pics from Google

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