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Showing posts from April, 2021

Ten Unique Villages in India

                              ‘The soul of India lives in its villages’. Beautiful lush green landscapes to winter wonderlands, fresh air, blue skies, India offers it all. If you are going to go on the lookout for something extraordinary or unique  too, our country will not disappoint you. Each village in India has a culture, colours , and a different story to tell. If someone decides to explore every single village and know people there, it will take several lifetimes. I have researched further and found some villages speaking a bizarre tone. Here is a list of ten unique villages in the country you won't believe really exist:            1.    Shetphal, Maharashtra, India:                               About 200 km from Pune, Maharashtra, in the Sholapur distr...

Sacred and divine places to visit in India

India is known for its temples , which are beautiful serene places of worship, significant religious and historical backgrounds. Unparalleled in their beauty and artistic grandeur these temples have survived as exquisite works of art and given birth to different architectural styles which have evolved over hundreds of years.   In 2019, there were reportedly more than 500000 temples across the country. Many foreigners are come to India to visit its beauty and temples. These famous and ancient intricately designed and faithfully maintained places of worship attract many foreigners who come to India to visit its beauty and temples. These are Must Visit temples for devotees and all those who nurture an interest in history and architecture. Here are eight most famous and popular temples in India which need your attention for their popularity and devotion: 1 .     Golden Temple : The Golden Temple also known as Harminder Sahib and also spelled as Harimandir  Sahib mea...

Short Summary of Bhagwad Gita Chapters

The Bhagavad Gita, often referred to as the Gita, is a 701-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the epic Mahabharata, dated to the second century BCE. It is considered to be one of the main holy scriptures for Hinduism. The Bhagwad Gita consists of 18 chapters . Each chapter is called a yoga. Yoga is the existence of the individual consciousness attaining communion with the Ultimate Consciousness. Each chapter is a highly specialized yoga revealing the path of attaining realization of the Ultimate truth.   Gita is also a ‘song’ which raises the hope and possibility for human individual and collective well being. So in everyone’s life also, the 18 chapters of the Bhagavad Gita happen. A deluded mind cannot get clarity on its own, it can happen only through grace. When life seems like a battle, Bhagavad Gita can help the seeker come out of misery and find equanimity. It helps you attain many skills which will enhance your actions because it is the actions which bring happiness o...