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Sacred Om in Different Faiths


In my previous blog, I had mentioned brief details about the healing touch of 'OM' and how chanting ‘Om’ brings the physical reality of this world into your awareness. In your body, you will connect to your emotions and the subtle impressions of your mind. The recitation of this word ‘Om’ helps in the benefit of our body. Here I wish to say about the importance of ‘Om’ in different religions in India.

 OM in different faiths/religions:

 Om is considered as the beginning and end of all things; it is an all-encompassing identity. ... Although Om originates in the Hindu religion, it is sacred in many other religions like Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism as well.

The Buddha is believed to have heard the Om when he was meditating on the mysteries of life. The sound is said to have led him to the Truth. In the Jain religion, Om is believed to compris the five initials of the supreme authorities who are worthy of being worshipped. The five initials, A+A+A+U+M, together form the Aum. The Sikhs refer to Om as Omkar, and this sound is an essential part of daily worship. There is the ‘Amen’ used in Christianity and the ‘Amin’ used in Islam.  It is said that the sounds that makeup Om find echoes in ‘Amen’ and ‘Amin’ too.



Om is often used in some later schools of Buddhism, for example, Tibetan Buddhism, Indian Hinduism, and Tantra influenced which.

Tibetan Buddhism (Vajrayana)

In Tibetan Buddhism, we often place Om at the beginning of mantras and dharanis. Probably the most well-known mantra is "Om mani padme hum" also known as the Mani mantra, the six-syllable mantra of the Bodhisattva of compassion, Avalokiteśvara.


Oṃ has been described by the 14th Dalai Lama as "composed of three pure letters, A, U, and M. These symbolize the impure body, speech, and mind of everyday unenlightened life of a practitioner; they also symbolize the pure exalted body, speech, and mind of an enlightened Buddha."

To Buddhists, Om represents the external aspects of a sentient being–his body, speech, and mind.


In Jainism, we consider Om a condensed form of reference to the Pañca-Parameṣṭhi, by their initials A+A+A+U+M (o3m). The Dravyasamgraha quotes a Prakrit line:

ओम एकाक्षर पञ्चपरमेष्ठिनामादिपम् तत्कथमिति चेत "अरिहंता असरीरा आयरिया तह उवज्झाया मुणियां"

Translation: Veneration to the Arhats, veneration to the perfect ones, veneration to the masters, veneration to the teachers, veneration to all the monks in the world.

AAAUM (or just "Om") is one syllable short form of the initials of the five parameshthis: "Arihant, Ashiri, Acharya, Upajjhaya, Muni".

ओं नमः (Oṃ namaḥ) Siddhanam (6 syllables), Om Nhi (2 syllables) and just Om (1 syllable) are the short forms of the Paramesthi-Mantra also called Namokar Mantra or Navkar Mantra in Jainism.



Ik Oankar, iconically represented as in Sikhism are the opening words of the Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh scripture. It is the statement that 'there is one God'. Ik Onkar is a phrase which is a compound of the numeral one (ik) and oankar, Ik Onkar of Guru Nanak shows that the creator (Oankar) is one with his creation, living within his creation, which is unique to the Sikh faith. Ik Onkar is part of the "Mul Mantra" in Sikh teachings and represents "One God", states Gulati.

Ik Aumkara appears at the start of Mul Mantra, states Kohli, and it occurs as "Aum" in the Upanishads and in Gurbani.


In Hinduism, Om is one of the most important spiritual sounds. It is the most sacred syllable symbol and mantra of Brahman, the highest Universal Principle, the Ultimate Reality. In Hinduism, it is the most important sacred and spiritual sound made either independently or before and during the recitation of spiritual texts like Vedas and Upanishads, during puja and private prayers, in ceremonies such as weddings, and sometimes during meditative and spiritual activities such as Yoga.

Om and Amen: 

The sacred word of Amen concludes every prayer in the Catholic religion while Aum concludes almost every yoga practice. The sound “Aum” is said to be what ignited the creation of the universe.


Om came to be used as a standard utterance at the beginning of mantras, chants, or citations taken from the Vedas. For example, the Gayatri mantra, which comprises a verse from the Rigveda Samhita is prefixed not just by Om but by Om followed by the formula bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ. In Hinduism ‘Om’ continues to be in use with many major mantras, shlokas, and ceremonial functions, beginning and ending with Om.

 In the sheer simplicity of the word Om lies an amazing, transformative power! Om believed to be ‘the sound of the Universe’ is Hinduism’s most sacred mantra. To explore the benefits of meditation, Om is a good place to begin as it’s short, easy to remember, and allows you to focus.

 Friends, Om is the highest sacred symbol in Hinduism. The word OM is so much powerful that this single word can produce powerful and positive vibrations which allows you to feel the entire universe. ... OM is the mantra that cleanses our Aura and also related to the third eye chakra also known as BROW CHAKRA(the third is the center of perception and command. It directs our sight and everyday awareness of the world).

Pics & Inputs from Google, Wikipedia

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