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Showing posts from November, 2020

Guru Nanak Teachings

                                                                                            Guru Nanak Dev Ji , also referred to as  Baba Nanak  ('Father Nanak'), was the founder of  Sikhism  and is the first of the ten  Sikh Gurus , was born on 15 April 1469 at Rāi Bhoi Kī Talvaṇḍī village (present-day  Nankana Sahib ,  Punjab ,  Pakistan ) in the  Lahore  province of the  Delhi Sultanate , although according to one tradition, he was born in the Hindu month of  Kartik (November; known later as Katak  in Sikhism). Guru Nanak is said to have travelled far and wide across  Asia  teaching people the message of  ik onkar  ( ੴ , 'one God'), who dwells in every one of his creations and constitutes the eternal Truth. With this concept, he would set up a unique  spiritual , social, and political platform based on equality, fraternal love, goodness, and virtue. Nanak's words are registered in the form of 974 poetic  hymns , or  shabda , in the ho

Types of Karma

                                                                     Karma in Sanskrit means ‘action’ or  the executed "deed", "work", "action", or "act", and it is also the "object", the "intent". Karma contrasts with another Sanskrit word  kriya . The word  kriya  is the activity along with the steps and effort in action, while  karma  is the executed action as a consequence of that activity.  Bhagwad Gita mentions about action as ‘ good or bad’. Thus good karma produces good effect on the doer, while bad karma produces bad effect, both resulting in one's happiness and unhappiness. The effect of karma need not be immediate; the effect of karma can be later in one's current life, and in according to some it extends to future lives. Bhagwad Geeta, a holy book in which Krishna has given His teachings, has all the answers related to sufferings of mankind and karma.  According to this holy book every action has a consequ

Chaturashrams in Hinduism- Four Stages Of Human Life

    It is said that while Hinduism has been called the oldest religion in the world, many practitioners refer to their religion as  ‘Sanatana Dharma’ which is overall abiding principles of dharma and which are not changeable.  The  4 Ashramas   system is one facet of the  dharma   concept in Hinduism. The four asramas are: Brahmcharya (student), Grihastha (householder), Vanprastha (retired) and Sanyasa (renunciation). Sanatana Dharma  in Hinduism is a term used to denote the “eternal” or absolute set of duties or religiously ordained practices incumbent upon all Hindus, regardless of class, caste, or sect. Such duties are enshrined in the religion in the form of the Vedas. Hinduism, which is derived from the Vedas, is known as  Sanatana Dharma  or Eternal Duty.”  It is said to be the eternal truth and defines that all souls whether humans, birds, or animals are equal and the same, but they are born to different yonis (forms) because of their past  karmas   in the last several births.