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Ageing Gracefully


"Ageing gracefully" may mean embracing the natural signs of ageing without visiting a certified plastic surgeon along the way. Ageing is inescapable, but it is also a glorious thing, you have done the work, you have learned many of life’s lessons now you can sit back and enjoy life without all that youthful angst and uncertainty.

People who are over 60 think they’re old. I’ve heard it said, “You’re only as old as you think you are if you didn’t know when you were born”. In my opinion, 60 is the golden age.

‘Getting older doesn’t mean decline or despair. It’s a reason for celebration! There are plenty of ways we can age with grace, beauty, and joy. We can experience more happiness, more success, and get even better with age and experience.  I’ve heard stories of 101-year-old runners, 98-year-old yoga instructors, and plenty of other people who reinvent themselves, launch new careers and lead businesses well into their senior years.’

Let me give you an example of  Sardar Bhaktawar Singh Brar who is the proud owner of 18000 acres of land in California, where he grows Raisins and Almonds. He is 105 years old and is still actively working. His slogan is “Never Die In Bed”.

Few people feel insecure after 60 and unhappy with the diminishing importance given to them and their opinions. It will not be so, if only we understand the basic principles of life and follow them scrupulously. I am giving below some mantras which I have experienced myself after reaching the golden age of 60:

·         Never Say I am Old/ Aged:

 There are two ages in everybody’s life (1) Biological- we base this on the date of your birth, you have no control over it (2) Psychological–This depends on how old you feel. A positive thinking active life can reverse the psychological age.

·         Your Health is Top Priority :

If you really love your family, your priority should be to take care of your health so that you are not a burden on them. Health is Precious, so take care of it. Exercise regularly.Have all your medicines on time and have your annual health check-ups regularly.

They say “Health is Wealth. So look after your health”.

·         Time left is Precious:

‘Yesterday is a cancelled cheque. Tomorrow is a Fixed Deposit. Today is ready cash- use it profitably.’  You did not have yesterday or future in your hands, it is Today that is in your hands so live this moment and live it fully. Live life kingsize.

·         Join the Wave :

Change is the only thing that is permanent. Accept the change–be it technology, lifestyle, and thought process of the young generation and enjoy the change. Don’t brood over the change, be enlightened.

·         Be Grateful :

Actually, all of us are selfish, we expect something in return. We should be grateful to all those who stood by us; our focus should be on the happiness we derive by doing good to others without expecting something in return.

·         Forgive & Forget:  

D   Don’t be bothered too much about others’ mistakes. Although we are not Gandhi who said “ If anyone slaps you on one cheek, don’t retaliate, offer the other cheek”, but for our health sake and our happiness learn to Forget & Forgive.

     Holding on to one’s unpleasant experiences from the past only increases your Blood Pressure and make you lose our internal happiness and peace of mind.

Matthew 6:14 ESV

“If you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”

·         Make a Will : 

Make it but never share it with anybody, not even your children. You can share it with your spouse if you have the confidence that it will not be disclosed before you go.

Relationships are spoilt only because of property & money. Let the Will be known to children after you go but before that let it be a secret. And a suspense–as this will ensure your happiness.

Register your will and keep it in a safe locker, to be opened only after you leave the world.

·         Overcome the Fear of Death :

We all know that one day we will have to leave the world, still, everybody is afraid of Death. We think we are indispensable and our children will not be able to bear our loss. But life goes on; they will be depressed and grieve you for some time but then “Time is a big healer” it heals everything and they will go on with their lives. Nobody is indispensable, we all know this yet we do not want to accept it.

Your motto should be: Let people think you fear death. Sure I’d like to put it off for as long as possible. But not because I’m afraid. I’m just so busy I don’t have time. So I look forward to the reunion. But right now I’m still celebrating.


·         Live Life Kingsize : 

Life is limited and when it ends, you will not be able to take anything along. So why live like a miser and save by curbing your wishes and desires – spend according to needs.

In order to make our family and children happy by fulfilling their demands, quite often we ignore or curb our own needs and desires. Now, that you have got your children settled in their lives, is the time to fulfill and satisfy your personal, once ignored needs.

What will people say, after I go, if I live a full life? Leave this thought because once your body is immersed in the five tatvas - Ether (Akash), Wind (Vayu), Fire (Agni), Water (Jal) and Earth (Prithvi) , anyone praises you or abuses you, hardly matters. So enjoy life to the fullest.



·         Don’t Force your thoughts : 

Love your children, bring them up wisely and carefully, give them all they want but spend some money on your wishes and desires too.

Don’t think too much about the future of your children. Guide them and explain to them what is right or worldly but let them decide and choose their own way, don’t force your thoughts on them.

·         Be happy :

      Always keep in mind - a day with no happiness is a day lost and a day if spent in happiness is a day earned. If you are ill you will get well very soon if you are happy, light-hearted, and optimistic, but believe me, you will remain long in bed if you brood over your illness and be pessimistic.

I    If you remain happy you will never fall sick. Always be jovial and spend the rest of your life, whatever is left, happily. From birth to death life is not for hardships- think about it.


·         Make Friends:

     There are so many ways to make more friends after 60. Why not host a regular dinner party, coffee circle, book club, or outdoor activity group? Do as many get-togethers as you can but in the current situation of the pandemic, follow safe social distancing, and ENJOY LIFE. Do not break the Social Distancing Rules.

I     If you value friendship and take action, your life after 60 will be full of friends. Compliment people, stay positive, and be grateful–your attitude will bring the blessing of friendship into your life.

·         Never forget your friends :

     Always keep in touch and have good relations with them. If you are successful in this you will never grow old and be always young at heart.

I    If you do not have any friends, you will be alone and this solitaire will finish you. So always keep in touch with your friends daily on Whatsapp, Facebook etc. or otherwise.

·        Two Questions I asked myself :

1) When to stop earning? and      

2) How much money will I need to spend the rest of my life comfortably?

And  a few more :

·         Anger is death and very dangerous, bury it in the ground deep below.

·         Problems are momentary, face them bravely

·         Protect your relationships.

·         Always spread love and affection to all. 

·        Life is unpredictable. You will never know when it will finish. So be happy and make others happy too.


“Getting old is mandatory. Acting old is optional.”

 I’ve heard it said, “Getting old isn’t for the faint of heart.” So I decided not to get old.

But Whitbourne cautions, "Don't get bogged down in all the hype about aging. Once you start thinking about it, it can drive you mad. There's nothing you can do; the clock is going to tick away."


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  1. Amazing article sir. Every one ,specially people 50 and above must read. It prepare ,how life should be lead after sixty well in advance. I want to take the print of this and distribute among all ny circle. Thank you sir for the wonderful insights you have given for a happy retired life

    1. Sir, thanks a lot for the encouragement. Pls keep encouraging me in future too. Just a request, pls press the follow button, and ask friends in your circle to read and suggest improvements and also press the follow button as this will encourage me further. Rgds & take care of your health in these worst times.

  2. Very nice bhai .👍👌.one never gets old till death.our age doesnt define that we are getting shud take him/ herself young n energetic always n shud work towards their dreams n goals.Rest these days every person needs to follow some sort of exercise to keep them fit n healthy.So, then from where cums the TERM ‐‐‐ *OLD AGE* There's only one term * young till death*🙏

    1. Thanks dear. A person is as old as he thinks. So, always think young and live life to the fullest ( my other blog) live-life-to-the-fullest

  3. I pass a very high encomium on quite comprehensively touching upon almost the entire gamut of points which bear direct relevance to this inevitable phase of everyone's life.

    1. Thanks a lot. I am not an expert writer like you; just pen my thoughts whenever I find time. Rgds

    2. Exactly bhai Ones thoughts are their trueself n true feelings. Let them cum out n share with others . What others pendown, too help us to enhance our knowledge in that field.🙏

  4. “A day with no happiness is a day lost and a day with happiness is day earned” is a thought which impressed me deeply, though entire article is educative.

  5. Life starts only after 60 wen one is free from all one's responsibilities. Ageing is inevitable but one must feel young at heart. One must keep oneself physically fit,which is most important at this age, and must practice some light physical exercise including walking. Enjoy life with friends. Renew contacts with those whom u could not meet or talk for long being occupied in official/social obligations. Don't be scared of death. That's ultimate destination, one has to go come what may. Live life king size and enjoy every moment of this phase. Good luck.

  6. Life starts only after 60 wen one is free from all one's responsibilities. Ageing is inevitable but one must feel young at heart. One must keep oneself physically fit,which is most important at this age, and must practice some light physical exercise including walking. Enjoy life with friends. Renew contacts with those whom u could not meet or talk for long being occupied in official/social obligations. Don't be scared of death. That's ultimate destination, one has to go come what may. Live life king size and enjoy every moment of this phase. Good luck.

  7. Thanks sirji for the encouragement. Rgds


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