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Showing posts from October, 2020

Ageing Gracefully

                            Ageing Gracefully " Ageing gracefully " may  mean  embracing the natural signs of  ageing  without visiting a certified plastic surgeon along the way. Ageing is inescapable, but it is also a glorious thing, you have done the work, you have learned many of life’s lessons now you can sit back and enjoy life without all that youthful angst and uncertainty. People who are over 60 think they’re old. I’ve heard it said, “You’re only as old as you think you are if you didn’t know when you were born”. In my opinion, 60 is the golden age. ‘Getting older doesn’t mean decline or despair. It’s a reason for celebration! There are plenty of ways we can age with grace, beauty, and joy. We can experience more happiness, more success, and get even better with age and experience.   I’ve heard stories of 101-year-...

Importance of Morning Walk When you wake up in the morning, the movement might not be your first priority or the importance   of a morning walk  may not be on your mind. But starting your day with a  walk  can offer your body several health  benefits .   ‘The feel of the morning, as fresh as its name, has a lot more to offer than just the freshness. A walking experience in this very first time of the day is one of those benefits. All you need to do is just put on some sturdy shoes and start your way out towards your fitness. Be it the ease of your mind or your eyes, or some added advantage to your health, the morning walk is blessed with a plethora of them.   A  morning walk  may help improve your mental clarity and ability to focus throughout the day. A recent study found that amongst older adults, those who started their days with a  morning walk  improved their cognitive function, compared to those who remained sedentary. Walking m...