India, indeed, is called the land of the Rishis. They were creators, educators, guides of men, and the life of the Indian people in ancient times was largely developed and directed by their shaping influence. Rishis were men of vision who during their meditation saw images and put these in a concrete form of hymns, shlokas, or mantras for the development of human beings and society. One such mantra that comes to my mind is ‘ Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah’ which means ‘all should be happy, all should enjoy good health and all should prosper’. By reading and reciting these, human beings can lead their lives to development and progress. Therefore, the culture of India, the backbone of Indians, is often called as the culture of the Rishis.
In ancient times Rishis and Munis have written different Shlokas and Mantras with the only aim that people will remain together and pray for each other’s welfare. One of such Mantras given to us by our ancestors is :

ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु
मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः
शान्तिः ॐ ॥
oṃ sarve bhavantu sukhinaḥ
sarve santu nirāmayāḥ
sarve bhadrāṇi paśyantu mā kaścidduḥ
oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ om॥
सभी सुखी होवें,
सभी रोगमुक्त रहें,
सभी मंगलमय घटनाओं के साक्षी बनें और किसी को भी दुःख
का भागी न बनना पड़े।
ॐ शांति शांति शांति ॐ ॥
May all sentient beings be at peace,
may no one suffer from illness,
May all see what is auspicious, may no one
Om peace, peace, peace.
Just to understand the importance
of this Mantra let me analyse the same :
Om = Holy word,
word of creation; Sarve = all; bhavantu = be; sukhinah= happy/prosperous;
Sarve=all; Santu=be; nir= without; amayah=
illness; nirāmayāḥ = without illness;
Sarve=all; bhadrāṇi = good; paśyantu= may see; mā=not;
anyone/someone; dukhah=
sorrow/suffering; bhag=part/share; bhavet=have; bhagbhavet= take part
Om= holy word; shantih= peace; shantih=peace; shantih=peace; Om=word of creation.
is a very simple prayer applicable to one and all. The prayer is so simple that
one can easily remember the simple meaning as “may all be happy and healthy”. It brings out enormous love for the
entire creation so that one does whatever best he can do for others. Thus this
prayer is not just a prayer but becomes a mantra to meditate upon and move on
the path of spirituality to achieve universality.
literal meaning of this mantra is ‘all
should be happy, all should enjoy good health and all should prosper’. It
is with this intention that this mantra is recited and it gives one, peace of
mind. One should wish that everybody–whether human beings, birds, animals, and
all other living things, should be healthy and happy, and if anyone is unhappy
or ill it is the duty of the other person to help him come out of the same.
“You get what you give”.‘Whatever goes from you will come back to you’ or in other words ‘you will get whatever you give to others’. If you wish good for others and make their lives less miserable, then you will get the same for your life. You will get good things if you wish the same for others and bad if you wish them so. So, let us be positive in our thinking for others, try our best not to harm any living thing, make everyone happy and try our best to make this world a better and a wonderful place to live, so we too can be happy. The world will look beautiful only if everyone is happy.
So, here is a prayer that cares for me, for you, and for everyone. Even for birds, animals, plants, food, water, and for that matter everything, living or non-living. The prayer here is for everyone to be happy, for everyone to be free of illness, for everyone to experience auspiciousness. The welfare of all is the focus of this prayer which is not for an individual, but for all of mankind. ‘Om sarve bhavantu sukhinah sarve santu Niramayah | sarve Bhadrani Pashyantu’. The prayer here is for everyone to be happy, for everyone to be free of illness, for everyone to experience auspiciousness. The welfare of all is the focus of prayers. The prayer is not for an individual, but for all of mankind.
This ancient mantra is not
only to wish prosperity and happiness all around us, but it is also a way of
life that has been passed on to us through generations. They have taught us that the entire world is one and we should always pray for the everlasting peace
and prosperity in the world. We can be
happy only if all are happy.
‘May everyone be happy’
Q. ‘Why should we pray for
the wellbeing of bad people? Is it not fair if we pray only for the protection
of the good?”
A. When we say this mantra, we are supposed to pray for the wellbeing of everyone, including good and the bad, the lazy and the hard worker, even a burglar because the sage who says this mantra believes that “ No one is bad by birth” it is the circumstances that make him bad.
Let us relate this mantra to the current situation, and the pandemic Coronavirus or COVID-19, that the entire world is passing through. Coronavirus or COVID-19 is the newest threat that the world faces now. Every day, a lot of new cases are arising globally with a huge number of fatalities. The threat is alarming and most of us have been directed to protect ourselves from the virus. In order to avoid the spread of the coronavirus threat that the entire world is facing, we are bound to stay indoors, work from home, no social gatherings, not venturing out to market, etc. as a result all of us are feeling let down. Despite all of us taking all the prescribed precautions, numbers are still rising unprecedently and pose a major challenge to face. Some of us might have lost jobs, some getting half salaries but we cannot get disillusioned and need to keep a little patience, stay positive and calm face and bring this pandemic to its logical end “We need to stay positive and help others keep positivity too”. By keeping a little patience and staying calm we can easily get through this hard time. I feel the only way to do so is that let’s all follow this mantra to tackle the panic of COVID-19 and stay in the right frame of mind.Inputs from Google, N Raghuram. Pics from Google
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