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Showing posts from July, 2020


                            “Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between people. For many, it is a combination of love, affection, loyalty, and trust.” Friendship is wonderful, but it demands time and requires sacrifice as one has to put someone other than himself first sometimes. But in exchange one gets an immense amount of support and comfort in nasty times. Research has shown that people who make good friends felt happier and less stressed. Having a strong group of buddies also increases self-confidence as they provide much-needed support during tough times – loss of a loved one, illness, loneliness, and so on.  A strong friendship shows overall health and happiness even in old age than even family support. In the current scenario, I have observed that old people are left to be by themselves. Hence, if one has built up a strong friendship, he/she can at least share his feelings and emotions with ...

Unleash The joy Of Living

                                  “ Live Life to the Fullest as you get it only once,”–Naresh V “Be Positive and Live Life to the Fullest ,”- Naresh V “Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone’s life. Don’t let the voice of others’ opinions drown your inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition” – Steve Jobs. These are some truths of life as told by the world’s renowned people. It is to encourage, many people who are feeling let down, feel lonely and self-pity and depressed to an extent where life means nothing to them and in the process, they develop suicidal tendencies, and counsel them to live their life to the fullest. How do you feel today? Do you like what you are doing? Are you living your best life? If the answer to the above is a NO, then that means you are not living your life ...

Most Reassuring Words By Lord Krishna

               Friends in these conditions of the worst phase of “ KAAL” or the difficult times we all are facing in consequence of the pandemic CORONA, I am reminded of what Lord Krishna says to Arjun when he was is filled with despair and dilemma over the magnitude of violence and deaths that the battle will cause on his elders and youngsters. Lord Krishna says that all the people suffering in these times are facing the consequences of their past  Karmas  which they have done in their previous lives.   Arjun says “Hey Vasudev (Lord Krishna’s other name) “I wish to detract from the battlefield as I do not wish to see the pain and deaths of my near and dear ones”.   Lord Krishna then gives answers to clear all his doubts. It is these answers and discourse that make up the Bhagvad Gita. I reproduce below some of these which may soothe our feelings and fears in these times of the pandemic:   Arjun: What is Life?? Lord Krishn...

“Karmanye Vadhikaraste....

                              Bhagvad Gita commonly known as Gita is a 700 verse Hindu scripture that is part of the epic Mahabharat.    It is a dialogue between Pandava Prince Arjun and his mentor and charioteer Lord Krishna.    At the start of the Dharm Yudh ( battle for rights) between Kauravas and Pandavas, it fills Arjun with despair and dilemma over the magnitude of violence and deaths that the battle will cause on his elders and youngsters.   He tells Lord Krishna that he wishes to retract from the battlefield and seeks His counsel. Lord Krishna then gives answers to all his doubts. It is these answers and discourse that make up the Bhagvad Gita.   To convince Arjun to fight Lord Krishna takes his chariot in the middle of the battlefield and counsels him to uphold Dharma through selfless action and fulfill his dut...