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COVID -19 is the 2nd most deadliest diseases in the world nowadays, the 1st  one is still OVER CONFIDENCE.

We should be confident of defeating the virus, but not overconfident. There is no need to panic as of now and if we are a little careful, we can control its spread.

As told by someone I have a suggestion to make for the benefit of my readers. Bring the following scene in front of your eyes before you sleep at night:

 1.  Everything is fine
 2.  All is well
 3.  Life is as peaceful as before
 4.  We are happy
 5.  We are celebrating
 6.  Children are going to school
 7.  Corona is finished
 8.  My family is as healthy as it was before
 9.  The entire society is fine and healthy, hale and hearty
10. My state is fine and well organized
11. My country is fully organized
12. Planes are flying as usual
13. Trains are running as usual
14. Life is normal as it used to be before.

While seeing this scene, you should be full of happiness and joy. In a brief time you will see you are tension free and happy.                                                                       

Be positive  


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